Dermal Fillers: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know

Real Talk: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to KnowWe all agree that aging is a beautiful but unavoidable part of life and that there’s nothing we can do to stop it. However, as I’ve learned, there are ways you can slow its signs. You see, when we start to age (I’m not sure when that begins exactly), you’ll most likely notice the first sign on your face. This is when the said face starts to lose volume and wrinkles start showing (well, this can also happen after going through drastic weight loss). Enter aesthetic procedures, this time dermal fillers, and you might just be on your way to slowing down time and possibly reversing the clock.

Dermal fillers are cosmetic injectables that restore facial volume and diminish wrinkles and are either made up of natural or synthetic products. Most of us, including yours truly, have at one time or another used creams, or some anti-aging home remedies to maintain a youthful look. Sometimes they seem to kind of work while at other times they take longer than expected, or never work at all. At this point, some folks tend to turn to alternative anti-aging treatments like the aforementioned dermal fillers, which are guaranteed to work (if done by an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist).

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So, to bring you all the tea about dermal fillers, Dr. Dragana Spica, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Dubai, stepped into The Beautiful Lifestyle Online where she shared her two cents on fillers.

At what age should one start using dermal fillers?

When it comes to the right age for using fillers Dr. Dragana states that using fillers at an early age will not prevent aging because they are meant to be used for volume restoration and facial contouring. This includes filling in wrinkles (if needed) and facial lines like lip wrinkles, nasolabial folds, bunny lines, frown lines, chin creases, lip filling and augmentation, and jawline/chin contouring. On the other hand, she notes, Botox can delay the aging process. “Botox, which should not be confused with fillers, paralyzes the muscles and restricts their use, so with continued use (six months intervals), you end up with minimal wrinkles and fine lines.”

Dr Dragana Spica, Board Certified Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgeon

What are the common types of fillers?

According to Dr. Dragana, there are different types of dermal fillers, but Restylane, Juvederm, and Voluma are so far the most common. These 3 fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a product already present in our body tissues, which makes them very similar.

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What differentiates these three is their lasting power. “This is because the duration at which these fillers last depends on the consistency of the filler and the target area to be injected. For instance, if the filler is to be injected into the lips, it has to be thin, hence lasts less (about 4 -6 months). However, if it is meant for facial contouring, which includes nose reshaping, it has to be slightly thicker in its consistency, and it can last for up to 12 months. This quality is present in Restylane and Juvéderm.

“I could also bring in another type of filler, body fillers by HYACorp, which are also made of hyaluronic acid and are mostly used for non-surgical butt lift or augmentation. I believe I discussed that a while back.”

All this may sound pretty easy and straightforward, but Dr. Dragana cautions that it isn’t so. “The effectiveness and success of any aesthetic procedure, not only cosmetic injectables, relies heavily on the experience and artistic medical prowess of the plastic surgeon performing the procedure.”

How can the results appear normal?

“If done well, dermal fillers should not be noticeable,” she says adding that if administered properly, no one other than the patient should know there are dermal fillers somewhere inside that person. “However, your friends or colleagues will notice a change in you, something that they can’t put a finger on, but something good and rejuvenation.”

Finally, fillers do not come in a ‘one size fits all’ kind of thing. “All fillers come in different quantities and consistencies, and if you are being attended by a good plastic surgeon, then she/he should know the best quantity and consistency for your needs.”

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That said, the next time you see someone with unnatural duck lips or a face that just looks off, don’t blame the dermal filler, blame the injector (or sometimes the ‘injectee’ because fillers, unlike Botox, can easily be dissolved if you’re unhappy with the intended results).

What are your thoughts on cosmetic injectables in general? Feel free to share in the comments below.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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