Running Tips for Beginners - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

Top Running Tips for Beginners

Top Running Tips for BeginnersA few years back you’d never have caught me running. I used to be one of those people who would probably say “if you see me running, you better run because something is definitely chasing me”. Now, I’m a runner, I’m a track star! I never thought I’d ever enjoy running, and now here I am running cross-country without breaking a sweat. I’ve become one of those people who can easily throw in a 30-minute run in the middle of the day just because. Now, I’m not the great Eliud Kipchoge (although we have a few things in common), but I think I’ve learned something on my journey to where I’m currently; and I thought I’d share with you some running tips for beginners (well, just in case you want to try out running).

Before we get on to the running tips for beginners, did you know that running has a whole lot of health benefits? Here are a few of them, and if they do not motivate you to run, then just run for the sanity of your own legs.

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Health Benefits of Running You Should Know About

  • Running keeps you young! (I just made that up but, in all honesty, it makes me feel young)
  • It improves your cardiovascular fitness (heart health anyone?)
  • It definitely strengthens your muscles and beautifully tones them up
  • It Burns a whole lot of calories, hence helping you maintain a healthy weight (you should also watch what you eat)
  • Running is a great stress buster in that it reduces depression and improves your mental health
  • Finally, running is a great pastime, especially if you are doing it with a friend or partner

Useful Running Tips for Beginners

If this is your first time trying to put one leg in front of the other at a faster pace, then we suggest you proceed with caution. Make sure you don’t have any underlying conditions that may be intensified by your desire to run. In other words, if you’re unsure of your health status, check with your primary care physician beforehand.

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Find the best running shoes

By ‘the best running shoes’ we mean a pair of comfortable shoes. We are not saying you go for the latest Nike or Adidas running shoes. Make sure the shoe fits well because there’s nothing worse than getting blisters during your run. All of us have different running styles and feet, so, don’t go with your friend’s suggestions. Choose well. Oh, I have nothing against Nike or Adidas; I’m a Nikey fan myself.

Slow start

When I first started running, I was advised by my then running partner to start off slow. This particular human told me to make sure I can have a conversation while running, and regardless of how slow I run, to make sure that both feet are above ground. Anyway, the reason for starting out slow is to allow your body some room to adapt to this change you are introducing to it. After some time, you’ll find yourself increasing your pace and your body welcoming it. If you start off fast, believe me, you’ll hate every bit of that run! I think this was one of the best running tips for beginners I received.

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Find a running club

Having company is a great running motivator. Try to find a club or community that has individuals who have similar goals as you. Also, your running buddies will hold you accountable, and push you to run, especially on those days when you just don’t feel like running. However, there are people who prefer to run alone, like me. Just me, myself, I, and the music in my ears is enough to take me through a one-hour run. Do what feels good for you, that way you’ll enjoy running more.

Focus on time and not distance

In the beginning, I was more focused on how many kilometers I ran, instead of the time it took me to cover that distance. I’m wiser now, and time is all that matters. Running a set distance can put too much pressure on what you want to achieve. Sometimes I go out and tell myself I’ll run 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or one hour, and this works out great. Whatever distance I cover during that duration is an added bonus!

Goals setting

As a beginner, you should start by setting small goals. My first goal was to run for 30 minutes without stopping to take a breath. From then it was 45 minutes and so on and so forth. The point is don’t try to run a half marathon before managing your first 10km. Go slow, enjoy the experience, smell the flowers, stop if you want to, then continue the race. Over time, at your own comfort level, increase your pace, and once you’re comfortable you can start signing up for races (or not; I’ve never signed up for one).

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Finally, listen to your body

This might just be one of the most important running tips for beginners. And just in case you didn’t know, you have only one body, which you should pay great attention to. When something is not right somewhere within your body, it will definitely send you signals, and it’s your job to listen. If you feel that your body is overworked, it’s ok to take a rest day or two. This is quite important especially when it comes to overuse injuries.

That said, run and shine on. Although these running tips for beginners may motivate one or two of you to start running, remember that the most important thing when it comes to health and fitness is finding an activity you love and are comfortable doing. So, don’t start running just because your best friend does, or because I told you to, or because the great Eliud Kipchoge can finish a whole marathon in less than 2 hours.

Signing off, what’s your take when it comes to running? Are you a runner or a track star? And what would be your best running tips for beginners? Feel free to share them in the comments.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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