Tried and Tested Healthy Weight Loss Tips - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

Tried and Tested Weight Loss Tips

Tried and Tested Healthy Weight Loss TipsYes, we are all encouraged to love our bodies regardless of our size. But as much as those “love your body” activists keep filling our timelines with how our bodies should not define our happiness and body positivity, there’s a huge percentage of folks who will say a huge ‘Amen’ to that but keep on trying to lose those extra kilos behind closed doors. Well, I’m all for body positivity and whatnot, but I’m also for ‘you doing you’! So, if you want to let go of some kilos, and follow some tried and tested healthy weight loss tips, then go `head and do it!

That said, I support tried and tested healthy weight loss tips, and not fad diets where you lose some in a matter of weeks then gain double what you lost. Most of these fad diets are just not sustainable! To get a clear picture of this healthy weight loss debacle, Cynthia Bou Khalil, Nutritional consultant at Allurion Technologies stepped into The Beautiful Lifestyle Online and shared her healthy weight loss tips.

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Tried and Tested Healthy Weight Loss Tips

1.     Don’t do it alone… Find your support team

Going on your weight loss journey alone might seem like a good idea, but truth be told, success in changing habits and behaviours needs support from people around you. Share your achievements with your friends and family, because they will most likely help you reach your goals if you talk to them and involve them in your journey.

2.     Be clear with your objectives and set short term and long-term goals

Mapping out exactly what you want to achieve and why will help you stay focused. Set realistic goals and small steps to reach it and don’t forget to celebrate each success. For most people, reaching a goal is addictive as it provides you with an immense sense of achievement.

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3.     Change your habits

Following tried and tested weight loss tips may be the first step, but habit-forming occurs when you repeat an action consistently over time. Examples include always having a chopped apple on top of cereal or always ordering an additional side salad when eating out so you can fill up on this and eat less of the other options (did someone say dessert?).

4.     Plan ahead

Planning ahead is a key part of staying on track. You can choose whether to do this each day or each week. Plan what meals you will have, what snacks, the timings, and amounts. This will allow you to prep some meals in advance to keep it easier. Make sure you have the foods or ingredients at home that you’ll need, making you less vulnerable to poorer choices if and when you get hungry.

5.     Track your progress

Keep track of your food choices, activity levels, weight, and body fat on a frequent basis. One of the best tools to help you track your progress is a smart scale to measure your weight and body fat and keep you always on track.

DON’T MISS: Are You Stuck in a Weight Loss Rut? Read This Before Giving Up

6.     Add more activity

If you’ve maxed out on your workout time or you just don’t want to commit to more training, adding more activity is a simple way to burn extra calories without overdoing it with exercise. A daily 20-minute walk can help you burn up to 100 extra calories.

Finally …

If you have tried to follow these tried and tested healthy weight loss tips and you are still unable to get rid of those pesky kilos, then its time to discuss another weight loss alternative with a specialized doctor. Something in the lines of non-surgical weight loss procedures (surgical ones like liposuction and the likes is for body sculpting and not weight loss).

READ MORE: Is Liposuction a Shortcut to Weight Loss?

Enter Gastric balloon for weight loss

There’s a new gastric balloon for weight loss that does not require endoscopy* nor anaesthesia for insertion or removal developed by Allurion Technologies. The balloon is first introduced into the body by swallowing a capsule, and then it is filled with a liquid within 20 minutes at a specialized doctor’s clinic. This balloon is designed to help patients with a BMI> 27 to always feel full, which makes them eat less, and not feel the hunger that is usually linked to any diet.

The program includes constant follow-up with a dietician throughout the whole time to improve the quality of nutrition, help in choosing healthy meals, and to better your nutritional habits. Four months later, the balloon would automatically burst, discharge, and exit the body naturally.

Ignoring the Gastric balloon for the time being, what are your most reliable tried and tested healthy weight loss tips? We’d love to hear from you, share your thoughts in the comments …

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