Daily Self-care for Busy People - Expert Recommendations

Daily Self-Care for Busy People: Expert-Recommended Quick and Easy Practices

Daily Self-Care for Busy People: Expert-Recommended Quick and Easy PracticesWhen it comes to daily self-care, many of us struggle with knowing where to start – or finding the time to fit it into our hectic schedules. Self-care practices extend beyond mere pampering; they nurture our physical and emotional well-being, enhances our mood, resilience, and stress management, and reduce the risk of chronic illnesses.

Self-care should be integrated into our daily lives through small but meaningful actions. These practices help us stay energized, fulfilled, and ready to support others. As John Bromley, a Public Health Consultant, aptly puts it, “Sustainable self-care is about creating moments within each day, week, month, season, and year to nurture our mind, body, and soul, leading to a healthier and more joyful life.”

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That said, and to get you some inspiration, five of Abu Dhabi 360’s third-party experts have put their heads together and compiled tips for treating yourself kindly because daily self-care is an ongoing journey — and it looks a little bit different for everyone.

Daily Self-care for Busy People

1.     Designate Weekly Self-Care Time

Certified Nutritionist, Dr. Mona Mobarak shares her weekly ritual of dedicating Sundays to plan and prepare for self-care activities. She emphasizes, “On Sunday afternoons, I like to tackle certain tasks so I’m mentally prepared for the week. Planning and cooking healthy meals for my family or scheduling my workouts make me feel less overwhelmed.”

Quick Tip: Use a planner or calendar to schedule specific self-care activities for the upcoming week. This proactive approach helps in prioritizing self-care and ensures that essential tasks are incorporated into your routine.

2.     Cultivate Social Connections

Dr. Haseeb Rohilla, a Specialist Psychiatrist, emphasizes the importance of nurturing social connections to alleviate stress and combat feelings of isolation. He advises, “Social support is a powerful buffer against stress and anxiety. Spending time with people who care about you can help you feel more connected and less isolated.”

Quick Tip: Make a conscious effort to schedule regular social activities with friends or family members. Whether it’s a weekly video call, a coffee date, or a group exercise class, prioritize interactions that nurture your relationships and well-being.

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3.     Begin the Day with a Morning Walk

Chief Podiatrist at Dubai Podiatry Centre, Dr. Michelle Champlin suggests incorporating a morning walk into your routine, especially if you’re working long hours. She highlights, “Whether I’m working from home or in the office, starting my day with a morning walk not only helps me stay physically active but also provides a mental break and a chance to reconnect with nature.”

Quick Tip: Set a designated time each morning for your walk and stick to it. Whether it’s a brisk stroll around your neighborhood or a leisurely nature hike, starting your day with movement can boost energy levels and improve focus throughout the day.

Daily Self-Care for Busy People: Expert-Recommended Quick and Easy Practices

4.     Explore New Exercise Regimens

Health Coach, Futtaim Beljaflah recommends diversifying your exercise routine to avoid monotony and reignite motivation. She advises, “As a RIDE instructor, I eagerly anticipate each class, always striving to create different themes from music to workouts, knowing that my attendees will leave feeling uplifted and energized, just as I do.”

Quick Tip: When trying out a new exercise regimen, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity or frequency over time. Listen to your body and permit yourself to rest when needed. Celebrate your progress and focus on how the activity makes you feel, both physically and mentally.

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5.     Integrate Mindful Workouts

Rola Ghaddar, a Certified Yoga Instructor, encourages incorporating mindfulness into workouts for enhanced mental and physical benefits. She shares, “Yoga serves as a grounding practice that benefits both my mind and body, allowing me to find inner peace while connecting with others in the community.”

Quick Tip: Practice mindfulness during your workouts by focusing on your breath and body sensations. Take breaks to check in with yourself mentally and emotionally. Remember that it’s okay to modify poses or movements to suit your comfort level and needs.

6.     Nurture Personal Self-Care Rituals

Experts agree that when you look good, you feel good. Set aside regular time for daily self-care activities that leave you feeling empowered and rejuvenated. As they collectively advise, “Self-care is well worth carving out the time for. It’s important to take care of yourself to be able to do the things you need and want.”

Quick Tip: Create a daily self-care routine that reflects your unique preferences and needs. Whether it’s a daily skincare ritual, a weekly spa night, or a monthly hobby or activity, prioritize activities that replenish your energy and nurture your well-being.

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