Summer Skincare Routine Tips - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

The Holy Grail of Summer Skincare

Summer Skincare Routine TipsWell, the sun has been out for a while now, and we are currently in the deep of summer. I don’t know how hot it is where you are, but on this side of the Sahara, we are doing 45°C on a good day. But that’s not enough to keep us indoors, because most of us are heading out to the beach, the pool, and just about any place where there’s a body of water (and of course wearing masks and social distancing). With all these activities going on, you have to keep a close eye on yourself, which calls for a summer skincare routine.

Why? Because as beautiful as the days are, the sun comes with high UV levels that are not so friendly to our skin. These killer rays can easily wreak havoc on the skin, leaving you with severe sunburn, not to mention putting you at risk of skin cancer. After all, the skin is an organ and it needs to be taken care of just like any other organ within your body.

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During the summer, it is always advisable to switch up your summer skincare routine, from the winter or spring routine (depending on where you live). And instead of letting you put one together, we have done all the heavy lifting for you and listed our own summer skincare routine tips that will help you keep that beautiful glow throughout these hot days.

Top Summer Skincare Routine Tips

Make sunscreen your best friend

Sunscreen is very important especially when it comes to protecting your skin from sun damage.  It is a recommended defence against sunburn and skin cancer. Make sure that the sunscreen has an SPF of 30 and above and that it is almost water-resistant. Apply it 15 to 30 minutes before leaving the house and keep on reapplying every couple of hours.

Hydrate inside and out

We cannot stress this enough about how water is important to the skin especially during the hot season. Not drinking enough water during the high temperatures can lead to dizziness, headaches, dry skin and many other nasties. Water detoxifies the body and we all know how important that is for the skin. If you can’t handle plain and pure water (like yours truly), then make it more refreshing by infusing it with fresh fruits or vegetables. And yes, drinking water is part of any summer skincare routine.

Don’t forget the lips and eyes

Nobody is a fan of dry, cracked, peeling and scaly lips (although sometimes we can’t help it). This usually happens when you over-expose your lips to the sun, or when you are not hydrating enough. If you find yourself faced with this lippy issue, go for a lip balm that can protect the lips against harmful UV rays. Also, if you do not use a moisturising lip balm, it will lead you to frequently lick your lips, which will lead to dryness, scaling and cracking. Tip: For my summer skincare routine, I use raw shea butter at night just before bed, and it works wonders.

SEE ALSO: How to Lighten Dark Lips

When it comes to the eyes, remember to protect them from the sun with sunglasses. The wider the sunglasses the more eye area they will cover, and the less intensity of light that reaches the eyes.

Sun-protecting clothing

Always opt for wide-brimmed hats instead of baseball caps because they do not cover as much surface area. They will definitely leave your ears and neck unprotected, unlike the wide-brimmed hats. Additionally, wear light, loose-fitting cotton fabrics as they help tackle the heat. Tight-fitting clothes can cause irritation to the skin which in turn can lead to rushes and in some cases chafing.

Remember to exfoliate

To get rid of dead skin cells that lead to dull skin, exfoliation is key. This will lead to a clearer, smoother and more radiant skin. Follow up with a hydrating cream so as to seal in the moisture.

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With this simple but efficient summer skincare routine, you can head on out and enjoy what summer has to offer including the much-needed Vitamin D. Also, don’t forget to wear a mask, as well as to adhere to the social distancing guidelines in place.

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