Aerial Yoga: The Unconventional Guide to Swing Yoga

The Unconventional Guide to Aerial Yoga

aerial yoga guideI’m not into yoga, although I’ve given it a try before; but for those looking to join the world of Yogis, this one is for you. So, aerial Yoga, also known as swing Yoga has become somewhat of a trend in recent years. It involves a combination of traditional yoga poses with the use of a gravity-defying hammock, and according to some Yoga experts, it’s the perfect class for anyone looking to get into Yoga.

The Aerial Yoga hammock can support up to 300kg of weight and is attached to the ceiling hanging from less than 1 meter off the ground. This hammock acts like a swing and soft trapeze, supporting the hips for forward and backbends. This is a good thing because some Yoga postures which some people may find difficult to do on the ground can be easier without the added pressure on joints (maybe I should give it a try).

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According to Satish Thirumurthy Ramaswamy, Platinum trainer and swing Yoga instructor at Fitness First, Aerial Yoga is actually the perfect introduction for those looking to get into Yoga and lays a solid foundation for successful Yoga practice. He has been kind enough to share with us the benefits and differences between aerial Yoga and standard Yoga.

What You Need to Know About Aerial Yoga

Swing Yoga as a Yoga Starter

Aerial Yoga, he says, is the perfect starter class for beginners, and helps correct mistakes in the body to help you perform standard Yoga poses properly.

Which Yoga is the Best? Swing or Standard?

With today’s sedentary lifestyle, states Satish, it is advisable to start with Swing Yoga over normal Yoga. Aerial Yoga develops perception and direction within asanas. It indicates the details and depth of yoga asanas, which is supported by the swing to maintain and move more deeply into any type of Yoga pose. Swing Yoga works towards desired results in practice as it aims to move blocked areas and create energy in the body. In addition, it encourages you to hold postures for a longer duration of time without any strain, which can be more difficult with standard yoga.

The Unconventional Guide to Aerial Yoga

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Benefits to Expect From Aerial Yoga

The benefits of Yoga are different for every person. “Everyone has different abilities in strength and flexibility,” he notes, adding that some people may have injuries that they would like to help correct, so it depends on the intention of the person and what benefits they would like to take from the class.

  • Many people love the feeling of freeness and say it boosts their mood.
  • Others have said that swing Yoga helps improve their balance and stability in daily activities.
  • It also opens up the hips, shoulder joints, and rotator cuffs.
  • The poses can also provide many health benefits including the betterment of the endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems.
  • And as an added advantage, the thyroid system is also massaged which reduces inflammation and stress within the body.
  • Aerial Yoga can also lessen the side effects of the female hormone imbalances.
  • The inversions increase oxygen blood flow to the face which helps with ageing as skin cells are nourished.
  • The parasympathetic nervous system is also positively stimulated, promoting a feeling of calm and deep well-being.

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Can Swing Yoga help with physical injuries?

“Aerial Yoga can be very beneficial for those who have injuries, especially joint issues and back problems as it doesn’t put strain or pressure on the joints,” states Satish. It gives you the chance to hang freely, allowing your spine to lengthen and stretch. With less strain on your back whilst doing the exercises, it eases tension in the spinal cord and hip joints, which is great for those who suffer from sciatica. Much of the human body is in an upright position daily from sitting at a computer, walking, driving, and day to day activities so the forward bending helps with disk injuries, releases joints and realigns the spine.

If you are interested in finding out if aerial Yoga is your kind of thing, you can find swing Yoga classes here.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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