Manage Acne with these Simple Tips - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

Manage Acne with these Simple Tips

manage acneEver since I was a teenager, trying to manage acne has always been part of my routine. The acne is always leaving and always coming back to remind me of the love it has for me. Sometimes it can be gone for more than a year, and just when I’m about to pop that champagne, a spot shows up on my jaw, smiling.

If you have ever suffered acne at one point, you know what I am talking about. And it’s not only the acne, it the pigmentation or sometimes scarring that it leaves behind. This means that even when the acne episode is over, it can take another two or three months for your face to be crystal clear.

Lucky for me, I have learned how to manage acne. The regimen doesn’t necessarily kick them to the cab, but it gives them such a hard time to pop up, they would have to think twice before showing up again.

So, instead of just covering up your acne and telling yourself it will disappear one day, you can try and tango with it, by showing it who the boss of your body is and trying out these simple tips to manage acne.

Manage acne by Drinking Enough Water


I will always keep on reminding you that water is great for your body. If you don’t want to drink it for yourself, do it for your body then. Your skin really appreciates it when you drink water because of the hydration it gets. Also, it flushes toxins out of your system, which might be causing your acne. And if you don’t like plain water, try coconut water which has awesome benefits.

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Breaking a sweat is good for many things, and one of those is managing acne. I mentioned earlier that you need to relax to keep the acne from being aggressive, and this is another way you can do it. Also increasing your blood and oxygen circulation in your body can knock out those acne-causing toxins. If you are looking for an exercise that’s relaxing and fun at the same time, try hula hooping your way to happiness.

  Eat Omega 3sAcne6

When it comes to eating omega 3s, you will be doing your body more good, than just pissing off the acne. I am a big fan of omega 3 fatty acids, which include eggs, olive oil, salmon and Brussels sprouts which have amazing benefits. Omega 3 fatty acids are known to control sebum production, which just happens to be the root cause of inflammatory acne.

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Cleanse your Face

Cleansing your face can be quite handy when it comes to how you manage acne, but I’m the last person who should be telling you this. This is because I always fight with myself about it because I’m just lazy, but hey, I have to do it. Cleansing your face at least twice a day unclogs pores, which if left clogged, will lead to some serious outbreak of acne and other spots. This is because, in addition to producing oil, your face is also exposed to dust and make-up.   

Getting more shut-eye


Sleeping is always a good thing if you intend to manage acne. This is because it allows your body to rest and your skin to regenerate. I always make sure I get a minimum of seven hours’ sleep most nights because, well, I just love sleep and there’s always a study somewhere saying sleep is good for your sanity. Jokes aside, sleep relaxes you by keeping stress at bay, which if left to ride roughshod over your body, acne and other skin abnormalities will just get worse. So get that beauty sleep, will you?

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Don’t pop that Zit!

I repeat, don’t pop it regardless of how tempting it is. This is what I keep repeating to myself whenever I have acne because when my mind starts to wander, I find myself unknowingly popping the little zits. This is bad because the more you pop them; the more your skin becomes prone to infection, and the acne just keeps on giving. So next time you smell temptation in the air, stay strong and let the zit die a natural death, and that is a great way to manage acne kids.

All our bodies are different and what works for me might not work for you or the next person, but it will never hurt to try. At a later post,t I will share with you some skin treatments tailored to get rid of acne.


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