Natural Remedies for Frizzy Hair - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

Natural Remedies for Frizzy Hair

Natural Remedies for Frizzy HairFrizzy hair is a year-round affliction. When you wake up and have one of those bad hair days and grab your wig or just wear a hat all day, what do we blame first? Does the phrase “it’s too humid for my hair today” ring a bell? Well, humidity does contribute to frizzy hair, but it is not the major cause. Let’s say your hair is dry and damaged, meaning it wants to absorb all the moisture from the environment. What happens next? Your hair poofs out and hello frizzies! If this happens to you quite often, then keep reading…

Below are a few natural remedies for frizzy hair

Coconut oil conditioner

Coconut oil to the rescue! Coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft and smooths out those annoying flyaway hair strands. It also provides the right amount of moisture that your hair needs,  preventing it from drying out.

How to apply: Heat up half a cup of coconut oil and apply to your hair. Ensure that you concentrate on your ends. Wrap in a hot towel and leave it on for 30minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

RELATED: 7 Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera

Apple cider vinegar rinse

Natural Remedies for Frizzy HairThis is my favorite simple rinse. Apple cider vinegar is good for several things including treating dandruff, itchy and dry scalp, and helps during detangling; and the results are usually a head full of healthy shiny hair. The acidity in apple cider vinegar does wonders to smooth out your frizzy hair. It does this by balancing your hair and scalp pH.

How to apply: After shampooing your hair, dilute water and the vinegar equally and pour this mixture all over your hair and massage in. Leave it to sit for about 30 seconds and rinse out with cool water.

Apple cider vinegar may leave a smell behind after rinsing it out. To fix this you can add a few drops of lavender oil or any other essential oil to make your hair smell nice.

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Egg and olive oil hair mask

If anyone would have told me a few years ago that I’d be totally in love with putting eggs on my hair right now I’d have denied it. This is because I could never really tolerate the smell of raw eggs. With time, I realized that eggs were loaded with proteins that my hair needed. Marrying the moisturizing benefits of olive oil to the strengthening benefits of eggs takes the mask to a whole other level. This mask will leave your hair soft, strong and with less frizz while keeping your split ends at bay.

How to make it: You’ll need one egg and a tablespoon of each of the following, olive oil, honey, lime juice, and yogurt. Mix them well and if you feel it’s too thick you can add a few drops of water to thin it out. After shampooing your hair apply it from root to tip then cover with a shower cap for 40 minutes. Rinse out with cold water to prevent the egg from cooking and forming clumps on your hair.

Rose hair mask

Natural Remedies for Frizzy HairFrom their soft scents to the supple feel of their petals, roses are beneficial to your skin and hair. Within its petals, you’ll find antioxidant and antimicrobial agents which help cleanse and nourish your scalp. They also serve as a natural conditioner making it perfect for frizzy hair.

How to: Combine with eggs and almond oil for extra benefits.

Procedure: Use 2 eggs, 1/2 cup fresh rose petal paste and 4 tablespoons of almond oil. Mix all the ingredients together and apply on clean hair. Leave it on for about 45minutes and rinse out.

Avocado and aloe vera hair mask.

Avocado and Aloe Vera are excellent ingredients when it comes to treating dry frizzy hair. Avocados are rich in fatty amino acids that coat your hair to help it retain moisture. Aloe Vera, on the other hand, contains proteolytic enzymes that work to repair the dead skin cells on your scalp which ensure the new growth is healthy. Using this mask at least once in two weeks will condition and strengthen your hair this reducing frizz.

SEE ALSO: Home-made Hair Conditioners For Damaged Hair

Procedure: Combine 1 ripe avocado, 2 tablespoons of raw honey, 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel and 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix well and ensure it is lump free. Cover with a shower cap and wait for 20minutes before rinsing it out.

Do you regularly suffer from frizzy hair? How do you tame it?

About the Author – Abigail Mbithe

Home-made Hair Conditioners For Damaged HairAbigail is a 20-something wild child who still believes in unicorns, fairy tales, and everything beautiful. When she’s not trying to invent a new hairstyle, she’s either sipping on something or hanging out with her tribe.

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About the Author

Abigail Mbithe
Abigail is a 20-something wild child who still believes in unicorns, fairy tales, and everything beautiful. When she’s not trying to invent a new hairstyle or fighting acne, and keeping her skin ageless, she’s either sipping on something or hanging out with her tribe.


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