Immune-boosting Fruits and Vegetables You Should Add to Your Diet

Immune-boosting Fruits and Vegetables That Will Keep Your Health in Check

Immune-boosting Fruits and Vegetables That Will Keep Your Health in CheckGiven the current Coronavirus situation, it is more important than ever to strengthen the body’s defence against illnesses and infections. On the other hand, I think we should be having the best interests of our immune system at all times; COVID-19 or not. That said, I’m sure most of you strive to always eat healthy, which is a good start. But at the moment, with working from home and all, it’s a pretty good idea to give your immune system a boost, and one way you can do that is by eating plenty of immune-boosting fruits and vegetables.

Adding fruits and vegetables that are packed with powerful vitamins, antioxidants and minerals daily to your diet is an easy and effective way of maintaining healthy bodily functions. And what’s better is making sure that the said fruits and veggies are ethically sourced with zero hormone additives or artificial preservatives.

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If you are still wondering what immune-boosting fruits and vegetables you should be eating, then wonder no more.

Simple Immune-boosting Fruits and Vegetables

1.     Ginger

Rich in antioxidants, Vitamin A, B-6, B12, D, and calcium, ginger health benefits include fighting against viruses, relieving nausea and loss of appetite, reducing inflammation, and pain.

2.     Oranges

Fresh’s Oranges are a key source of Vitamin C, fibre, and potassium. They also contain properties that help increase the production of white blood cells, which is key to fighting infections.

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3.     Turmeric

Immune-boosting Fruits and Vegetables That Will Keep Your Health in CheckTurmeric is rich in vitamin C, calcium, flavonoids, fibre, iron, niacin, potassium and zinc. This golden spice supports immune health, helps relieve pain, and can aid in digestion.

4.     Broccoli

Broccoli is high in vitamin C and vitamins A, and K, calcium, folate, and iron, which are essential to help fight against unwanted illnesses, and is one of the best immune-boosting fruits and vegetables. It is also fat-free, sodium-free, and cholesterol-free. It contains dietary fibre that keeps your digestive tract working.

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5.     Lemons

Lemon’s health benefits include improving vitamin C levels, decreasing blood cholesterol, boosting liver function, and boosting metabolism.

6.     Spinach

Immune-boosting Fruits and Vegetables That Will Keep Your Health in CheckSpinach is also rich in vitamin C and is packed with numerous antioxidants and beta carotene. These properties help increase the infection-fighting ability of your immune system.

So, what immune-boosting fruits and vegetables are you snacking on while under quarantine and trying to keep your immune system in check?

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