Health Benefits of Going Vegan - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

5 Health Benefits of Going Vegan

5 Health Benefits of Going VeganWith World Vegan Day just around the corner (1st November), there’s no better time than to re-think our daily diet and switch from animal products to a vegan-based lifestyle (if you can). There are lots of health benefits of going vegan, such as environmental concern and animal welfare, but eating a plant-based diet also has some major health perks too.

According to Fitness First Nutrition Manager, Banin Shahine, a vegan diet is richer in certain nutrients. Studies have shown that a vegan diet provides the body with more fibre, antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds. These nutrients help the digestive system, protect the body from chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and diabetes and help cleanse the liver.

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Here, Banin shares her six health benefits of going vegan.

1.     A Vegan diet will help you eat more whole foods

Eliminating meat and dairy can help increase your whole food intake and will also encourage you to get more creative in the kitchen. When you lead a vegan lifestyle, naturally you will be consuming a lot more colour and variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, that provide the body with the vitamins and minerals you need for optimal health.

5 Health Benefits of Going Vegan

2.     You may feel a spring in your step

Processed foods and sugars can make you feel lethargic and lower your energy levels. Another one of the health benefits of going vegan is that eating whole foods rich in healthy fats, vitamins and minerals will significantly give your energy levels a good boost and lower your stress levels. Here are a few delicious plant-based foods to help increase your energy levels.

  • Bananas are one of the best foods for energy. They are an excellent source of carbohydrates and are full of potassium and vitamin B6- all of which can help boost energy levels in the body.
  • Brown rice is extremely It is less processed than white rice and retains more nutritional value in the form of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Thanks to its fibre content, brown rice has a low glycaemic index, meaning it can help regulate blood sugar levels and maintain steady levels throughout the day
  • Apples are rich in natural sugars and fibre and provide a slow and sustained energy release. Rich in antioxidants, apples also help slow down the digestion of carbohydrates and release energy over a more extended period of time
  • Edamame beans are relatively low in calories, but these satisfying pick-me-up snacks are full of proteins, carbs and fibre. Edamame beans also have huge amounts of vitamins and minerals that help increase energy in different ways.
  • Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, lettuce and watercress are all excellent sources of Vitamin B and have an important part to play in energy production. Incorporating these nutritious foods into your daily diet will help fight fatigue.
3.     You’ll slash your saturated fat intake

Saturated fat is primarily found in animal products like meat and cheese and it is a key factor in increasing cholesterol which contributes to many heart diseases. Another one of the health benefits of going vegan is that it will automatically decrease your saturated fat intake. Any transition to more plant-based eating is extremely heart-healthy. Not only can plant-based diet help with your cholesterol levels but it can also decrease the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

5 Health Benefits of Going Vegan

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4.     Fewer migraines

Migraines are commonly linked to diet, and food can often be the trigger. Try and stay away from chocolate and cheese and opt for plant-based foods, especially organic product as the produce is much purer and less likely to trigger a migraine attack.

5.     Reduce the risk of kidney failure

A meat diet isn’t always best for the body, especially in high consumption. Recent studies have shown that by following a vegan diet you can reduce the risk of kidneys not functioning properly. Plant proteins are healthier for your organs and help encourage production levels within the liver and kidney.

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So, have these health benefits of going vegan convinced you to lay off the meat, even partially? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.


  1. I might like to add a gentle warning about any diet change. It can be very stressful – especially emotionally on the individual making the change. This emotional stress can then predispose the individual to unintentional conflicts with the valuable people in their lives.

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