Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: What’s True and What’s Not

Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: What’s True and What’s Not

Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: What’s True and What’s NotWhen it comes to cosmetic surgery procedures, like we’ve seen before in a previous post, it’s a two-way street for the patient and plastic surgeon. They both have to fit a certain criterion in order to achieve optimum results that both parties are happy with. And since we already discussed what to look out for when you’re choosing a plastic surgeon, in this piece, Dr Adnan Tahir – Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon, is back and he’s sharing some common myths and facts when it comes to cosmetic surgery, as well as plastic surgery patients.

RELATED: Real Talk: The Skinny on Cosmetic Surgery

Truths and Half-Truths When it Comes to Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

So, what we have done is put forward a certain scenario, then Dr Adnan tells us if it’s true or false, and he specifies why.

A patient can show her doctor a picture of her favourite celebrity or influencer and tell him/her to change her features in order to look like said celebrity

Wrong: Any person going in for plastic surgery should not have the desire to look like someone else, because our body structures are very different and if the plastic surgeon went through with the request, the results might be a far cry from what the patient wanted them to be. That’s why we always insist on the patient having realistic results. And if the surgeon went through with the request while promising the same results, then it would be unethical on his/her part.

A patient can do cosmetic surgery procedures at any clinic that claims to do cosmetic surgeries

Not a good idea: Before anyone decides to do any form of aesthetic surgery regardless how minimal the procedure is, he/she should check the reputation of that clinic, the doctors in the said clinic to make sure they are board-certified and experienced, as well as the BEFORE & AFTER photos of his previous cases. Also, he/she should make sure the clinic is well equipped and registered by the Department of Health as well as licensed to perform aesthetic procedures.

SEE ALSO: 5 Trending Non-surgical Cosmetic Treatments You Should Try Out

The patient should know about the precautions and aftercare before doing the surgery

True: Before any cosmetic surgery procedures, it’s important that the patient knows how she will take care of herself after the surgery (aftercare), as well as the downtime (healing time), and what to expect, so that if there is a problem or some side-effects after the surgery, she will be able to notice it and as a result call the doctor immediately.

The results are immediately visible after the procedure

Wrong: This is because cosmetic surgery results are not immediate, and the patient would need to completely heal before seeing the full results.

A patient should wait for a certain age before deciding on any cosmetic procedure

True: Cosmetic surgery procedures should be done by people old enough to make decisions and be certain that they really want that procedure because there’s no room for regret after the surgery. You have to remember that cosmetic surgery is more for beautification and not a necessity or emergency. When it comes to skin tightening, a woman can start maintenance treatments at the age of 25 years going forward. This is to delay the ageing process as much as possible. But for older people between ages 40 and 60, whose skin is already sagging, a different approach to skin tightening might be required.

DON’T MISS: The Psychology Behind Cosmetic Procedures

Botox is capable of removing all types of fine lines and wrinkles

Wrong: Botox treats fine lines and wrinkles by making them relaxed and smooth. What it doesn’t remove are permanent deep creases that have been there for a while. Botox injections have to be repeated every 4 – 6 months because the effect is not permanent and as soon as it wears off, the wrinkles and fine lines return. The best thing about Botox is that it delays the tell-tale signs of ageing because the more a patient does Botox treatment, the more the lines and wrinkles become less severe because the muscles start to shrink over time.

Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: What’s True and What’s Not

The weather doesn’t have any effect on cosmetic surgery results

True: When it comes to non-invasive cosmetic surgery procedures, sun exposure can impact the healing timeline, which can lead to a delay or a have different outcome from the one expected. Most of these treatments include skin rejuvenation. When it comes to invasive procedures, the patient can do the surgery during any season whenever he/she is ready. But at the end of the day, it is very advisable to stay away from harmful UV rays of the sun, because, in addition to causing skin cancer and premature ageing, they can also lead to skin pigmentation, sunspots and sunburns.

So, having read that, what are your thoughts on cosmetic surgery procedures, or plastic surgery as a whole? Would you consider a little nip and tuck at some point in your life?


  1. It’s good you got this answers from plastic surgeons. It will help people make the right decisions in regards to cosmetic surgery.
    For me I won’t consider plastic surgery except if it’s necessary.

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. A lot of people would only consider plastic surgery only when necessary.

  3. Non-invasive for as long as you can sounds like a good plan; it’s also a great idea for maintenance purposes. Thank you for stopping by 😉

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