Butt Workout Tips From Embody Fitness to Get You Summer-ready

Get Your Gluteus Maximus Summer-ready with These Fitness Tips

Butt Workout Tips From Embody Fitness to Get You Summer-readySummer is almost here and while some of us have nearly postponed our summer fitness goals until next year (maybe), others are already kicking up a storm at the gym. And I’m quite sure one of your fitness goals to get you summer-ready is to have the perfect butt. That’s why the talented and committed team of fitness gurus at Embody Fitness have decided to share with us some kick-ass butt workout tips to get those cheeks summer-ready and give you the perfect gluteus maximus in time for bikini season.

Embody Fitness, which is an award-winning luxury personal training facility based in London, just opened a branch on this side of the Sahara a month ago, and are already taking Dubai by storm. Anyway, enough about Embody Fitness and moving on to the butt workout tips that are supposed get you summer-ready.

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Butt Workout Tips to Help You Achieve the Best Derrière

Butt Workout Tips From Embody Fitness to Get You Summer-readyActivate Your Muscles

According to these fitness gurus, before any workout, you should try to get your muscles activated and awake so that they respond better to the workout. Isometric or static contractions work great for this. Think of a hip bridge where you hold at the top of the movement for 10 seconds. Three sets of these should wake up the muscles and get them ready for the workout.

Go For the Feel

Train with exercises that target the glutes and not other leg muscles. If you can’t feel the gluteus working during the exercise then try to modify the exercise or use a different exercise. You must be able to feel your butt muscles working during the exercise.

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Go Low!

Always try for a full range of motion techniques. For instance, with squats, go as low as you can with good form and technique. The lower the hips are in relation to the knee the more the gluteus will be working. And you will already be on your way to a summer-ready behind.

Try Single Leg Work

Step ups, lunges and split squats all allow you to focus on just one leg and glutei at a time which can add more stress and ultimately more gains and more definition – promise the folks at Embody Fitness.

Butt Workout Tips From Embody Fitness to Get You Summer-readyDon’t Forget to Add Some Resistance

You don’t have to go super heavy with weights, but sometimes bodyweight is not enough. So adding weight via dumbbells or barbell can help get that gluteus working.

 Be Frequent if you Hope to Get Your Butt Summer-Ready

If you want faster results then try to train the gluteus two or three times per week for a month, to see speedy results.

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Have a Plan

Make sure you write your workout down before you go into the gym, with the full program in place. Try to follow it for at least four workouts and try to improve each time with more reps, sets or weight.

Well, we all hope for that perfect behind but sometimes you just throw in the towel and be happy with whatever you already have, until the next time you get some great butt workout tips to get you summer-ready, like these ones, then you pick up that towel and head straight to the gym (story of my life).

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