Benefits of Biotin For Hair, Nails and Skin - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

Benefits of Biotin For Hair, Nails and Skin

Benefits of Biotin For Hair, Nails and SkinI’ve had a love affair with biotin for more than 3 years now, although I take them on and off. I’m not that consistent. But still, they are my go-to supplements every time I notice my hair or nails are less than kosher. As for the benefits of biotin for the skin, I can’t really know because, in addition to it, I use a bunch of skincare products and do frequent skin treatments. Still, I’m sure it has contributed a thing or two to the health of my skin. With this in mind, I thought I’d share with you the many benefits of biotin for hair, skin, and nails because according to some studies, biotin supplements really do work wonders.

There is always a need to have perfectly healthy nails, flawless skin and a healthy mane. But hey, we can’t always get what we want; but there’s always something we can do about it. This is where biotin comes in, to help you achieve your desires regarding your hair, nails, and skin.

But first, what is biotin? And what does it do?

Biotin is a water-soluble B complex vitamin that helps the body turn food into usable energy. It is an enzyme component found in our bodies which breaks down substances like fat and is typically found in some regular healthy foods.

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Everyone needs biotin in their body, and a lack of it can easily lead to hair loss, brittle nails, and a not-so-healthy skin, just to name a few. This vitamin can be found in eggs, avocados, berries, fish, organ meat and mushrooms among others.

So, What Are These Amazing Benefits of Biotin?

Biotin For Hair Growth

Benefits of Biotin For Hair, Nails and SkinOur hair is made up of keratin that is produced in hair follicles. Eating foods rich in biotin improves the keratin in our bodies, which means the body gets the necessary ingredients needed to make your hair grow faster, stronger and prevent it from breaking or becoming weak. In addition, biotin also helps in blood circulation, especially on the scalp, which increases hair density. Other benefits of biotin for the hair include repairing and rebuilding new tissue, which can prevent hair loss in both men and women.

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Benefits of Biotin for Skin

Benefits of Biotin For Hair, Nails and SkinDifferent people take biotin in different ways. For instance, I take it through supplements, while someone I know prefers to eat biotin-rich foods. Either way, the benefits are almost the same. When it comes to reaping the benefits of biotin for the skin, you have to take it for a longer period of time to see any changes. If you stick to it, then chances are high you might have a clearer, smoother and more radiant skin.

Most people prefer biotin supplementing as it works wonders on dry and itchy skin and has vitamins that can be a remedy for dermatitis and psoriasis.

For Strong Nails

Benefits of Biotin For Hair, Nails and SkinAround 20% of the world’s population suffers from brittle nails, which if not remedied, could lead to chipping, cracking and breaking. Since nails are made of keratin, biotin improves its production, which in turn, according to one study, gives health to your nails, making them stronger due to the presence of vitamin B7.

MORE ON NAILS: 6 Simple Tips That Will Give You Longer and Stronger Nails

Have you ever experienced any benefits of biotin?

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.


  1. Yes, I used to use Biotin twice a day, but maybe I was taking a high dose because I began to break out. Now I take collagen supplements along with spirulina, and E-3 live. xx

  2. It’s a shame you broke out… sometimes supplements can react differently to different people. Glad you found others that are working for you. 😉

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