Stronger Nails: 6 Simple Tips That Will Keep Your Nails Stronger

6 Simple Tips That Will Give You Longer and Stronger Nails

6 Simple Tips That Will Give You Stronger NailsHave you ever asked yourself why we really have nails and why we all crave stronger nails? To begin with, they are a flattened version of claws (we know what claws are made for), and they are made of protein keratin, which is the same protein hair is made of. Even though they are made from dead cells they still grow anyway. And if you are good at keeping an eye on your talons, then chances are they will return the favor – strong, pretty and long (for those who like them long).

Nails shield the tips of fingers and toes, help in gripping an object as well as increasing sensitivity to the fingers. The most satisfying part about having nails is scratching that itch! Can you just imagine what it would be like to not be able to scratch an itch? Nails can also help in diagnosing ailments, because just like hair and skin, when they appear abnormal, then there might be something wrong with your overall health.

Secrets to Having Stronger Nails

That said, all or most of us at one point need to maintain our nails, if we want to have long and stronger nails, free from any chipping and breaking. We have put together a few tips to get you started on your journey to stronger nails.

6 Simple Tips That Will Give You Stronger Nails


Moisturizing the nails especially the cuticles helps in hydrating them which in turn supports healthy nail growth and prevents hangnails. A hangnail is a skin which is on the sides of the nail and it is not pretty. You can moisturize using coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil or shea butter. A good time to moisturize is at night time just before bedtime.

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Soak in Green Tea

Green tea has antioxidants which strengthen nails hence preventing them from brittleness. It also gets rid of the yellow discoloration. Soaking your nails in cool green tea for about 15 minutes twice a week should do the trick.

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseeds contain zinc, protein, potassium, lecithin, B vitamins, magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for stronger nails. You can add flaxseeds to your diet or you can massage flaxseed oil on your nails.

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Quit with the Biting

Biting your nails or the dry loose skin around them can be detrimental to your health as it can cause bacterial skin infections in your mouth and on your hands. This weakens the nails and makes them prone to breaking. So, quit the bad habit.

6 Simple Tips That Will Give You Stronger Nails

Eat Right

Eat plenty of Vitamin H which is biotin as it helps with the growth and strength of nails. You can get biotin in foods such as avocados, bananas, mushrooms, whole grains, and salmon. Vitamin B9 or folic acid is known as the best vitamin for stronger nails. It is found in cheese, red meat and fortified soy products. Vitamin A strengthens your nails and it is found in squash, carrots, and leafy greens.

Your Nails are Not Tools

Lastly, please try to remember that your nails are not tools, and cannot be used in place of tools. By trying to replace your tools with your talons will only destroy them instead. In addition, getting a proper manicure once in a while can also help.

About the Author

6 Simple Tips That Will Give You Stronger NailsSusan insists that she is definitely a woman; and a  daughter, a mother of 2, and a sister to many. She’s in love with beauty, natural remedies and writing occasionally. When she’s not giving some tips and tricks on natural beauty remedies, she’s busy running her gift delivery business. But above all, she is a firm believer in self-love and self-acceptance.

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