Beach Body Ready Wellness Tips to Get You Ready for Summer

Get Beach Body Ready With These Wellness Tips

Beach Body Ready: Super Tips to Prep You For SummerIf you care to listen for just a minute, you’ll notice most people are right about now talking about getting beach body ready for summer. Hell, even the social media memes are screaming at us from all directions. The season in the sun is like no other, and most of us feel the need to snatch that waist and tone those glutes. There is the lucky lot who keep fit all year round, while there’s those who tend to retreat into hibernation then pop out from under that rock at the first mention of summer.

So, if you fall in the latter category, and to help you get beach body ready and have that ol’ heart pumping again, Dina ElShurafa, Founder of Reform Athletica, is sharing some of her best tips that guarantee you look and feel your best on the beach this summer.

Top Tips to Get you Beach Body Ready

Mix up the workouts

You have to constantly challenge your body in order to see results. If you’ve been doing the same exact routine for more than 4 weeks and running the same 5k you usually run every few days, you need to consider coming up with something new and more challenging. The body, like all of us, gets used to the routine so if you don’t keep surprising your body, it will stop responding!

SEE ALSO: 5 Tips on How To Maintain Your Fitness Level During Ramadan

You are what you eat

beach body ready in no time

No matter how much exercise and weight training you do, if your underlying diet is not right, then your hard work will be in vain. Stay away from sugar because the more sugar you eat, the further away you are from those engaged abs you’ve always dreamt of. Opt for more protein after workouts and if you’re craving a treat, reach out for fruits or some dark chocolate. Remember you can’t outrun your fork!

Water, water, water

Staying hydrated is key to shedding weight but also maintaining any weight loss you’ve achieved. Have a large glass (or at least half a liter) of water as soon as you wake up and not only will that help in curbing your hunger, but it will also kick-start your body’s internal system which will keep you regulated! Water is calorie and sugar-free so swapping other drinks for water in the run-up to summer is a great way to keep calorie intakes in check.

Try intermittent fasting

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I am a huge believer in fasting and I find that it is a great way to detox and rid your body of the toxins we subject ourselves to on a daily basis. The 5:2 diet (where you eat normally for 5 days and limit your intake for two days to 500 calories) is a great way to shed some unwanted weight prior to the season in the sun. Those two days will force you to rethink your grande caramel macchiato in the morning and those unwanted afternoon snacks, so fast away!

DON’T MISS: Fitness Tips on How You Can Melt that Summer Weight Gain

Incorporate full body strength training

Depending on your body type, doing more weight training may accelerate the ideal beach body you’re looking for! Weight training and TRX training can help tone your legs, glutes, arms, and core, making you beach body ready. Muscles burn calories so it will lean you up and give you that body looking for. Make sure to do some cardio to fast-track your weight training effects!


  1. Very useful tips.. drinking a lots of water is the ultimate.
    You can visit my site to see personal development tips I’m sharing and tell me what you think.

  2. True… hydration inside out is always key. Popping over to your space right about now…

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