Ayurvedic Skincare Tips for Glowing Skin - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

Glow Up with these Ayurvedic Skincare Tips

Ayurvedic Skincare Tips For Flawless SkinMost of us crave healthy and glowing skin. You might have tried almost anything for that flawless skin, but for some reason, it’s not yielding. But what you might not have considered was using the wisdom of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the ancient art of healing, widely known for its natural touch on the body, skin, and hair. And by following simple Ayurvedic skincare tips, your search for flawless skin might just come to a fruitful climax.

Instead of using chemical-laden skincare products and makeup, why not opt to pamper the skin naturally? This is especially if the products you’ve been using have taken a toll on your skin. An Ayurvedic skincare routine can help restore your skin’s health and rejuvenate it. And the best part is all the Ayurvedic products are harmless (not unless you are allergic to them).

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Simple Ayurvedic Skincare Tips for the Perfect Skin

Know your skin type

According to the science of Ayurveda, skin can be either or a blend of three types; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each skin type possesses different features which should be taken care of accordingly. It is important to know what your skin type is before you get started on these ayurvedic skincare tips.

Customize your routine

Customize your Ayurvedic skin care routine according to your skin type. People with Vata skin type should have skin hydration as their top priority. Those with Pitta skin type should be taking care of their sensitive skin and avoid over-exposure to the sun. Finally, those with Kapha skin type should invest in cleansing their skin.

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Hydration is key

Apart from guzzling liters of water or water-based fruits and veggies, massaging your entire body with herbal essential oils can help keep your cells hydrated and provide moisture to the deeper layers of the skin. Maybe you should include this step in your routine for flawless skin.

Cleansing should become a ritual

The most essential of the Ayurvedic skincare tips for achieving glowing skin is cleansing. Ayurveda emphasizes minting internal health which in turn gives you that external glow. An Ayurvedic skincare routine not only focuses on cleansing the skin but the internal body as well, and the great thing about it is that you can either apply or consume the herbs that come with it. They include turmeric, aloe vera, saffron, Indian gooseberries, neem leaves, kumkumadi oil, holy basil, etc. These are the best when it comes to your skin.

Focus on your beauty sleep

How many hours do you sleep? Another one of the Ayurvedic beauty tips that I love is to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. During sleep, your skin cells repair, replenish, and rejuvenate leaving you with beautiful flawless skin in the morning. Lock your doors and don’t let anybody disturb your beauty sleep; you deserve it.

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Keep stress at bay

Stress equals skin stress. Skin stress makes your skin dark, dull and eventually starts portraying signs of aging. You can reduce stress by including meditation, yoga, and pranayama in your Ayurvedic skincare routine. I bet you don’t want to be twenty, looking forty. I want to be that 40-year-old who would look like my kids’ older sister.

Bottoms up on herbal tea

This one is especially for the Vata skin type. Consume herbal tea and add some milk (if you want) to look younger. You can also add lemon or ginger to give you that bright glow on your skin.

Add these natural remedies to the above Ayurvedic skincare tips

Ayurveda is completely harmless. Natural home remedies are the most effective sources of getting glowing, healthy, and flawless skin. You can try these pastes out:

  • Sandalwood, honey, and turmeric paste
  • Milk, saffron, and aloe vera gel
  • Chickpea flour, lemon juice, and milk paste
  • Potato juice with lemon juice
  • Tulsi leaves and raw milk paste
  • Orange peel powder and yogurt paste
  • Fenugreek seeds paste.

Ayurveda is not just about adding herbal remedies to your Ayurvedic skincare routine just to achieve flawless skin, it is a way of life. It’s all about embracing lifestyle habits that will turn you into the most glowing version of yourself.

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