These Sleep Hygiene Tips Promise Sweet Dreams - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

These Sleep Hygiene Tips Promise Sweet Dreams

These Sleep Hygiene Tips Promise to Work WondersNot so long ago, I used to sleep like a log. I would sleep uninterrupted for more than 8 hours. I like to say those were the best sleep days of my life because, at the moment, I average between 4 and 5 hours interrupted sleep a night. I’m always telling myself that I’m good as long as I drift off even for an hour. But the truth is it’s not good at all! That’s why in this post, we have Aakanksha Tangri, founder of Re:Set, giving us amazing sleep hygiene tips, that will help people like us embrace sleep and reap its benefits.

Aakanksha Tangri’s Sleep Hygiene Tips in Her Own Words

“Who are these people who get 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night, and how do I become one of them?” It’s a thought that’s often crossed my mind at 2 a.m. while I’m scrolling through Instagram and simultaneously battling the to-do list in my mind. Until recently, I was averaging three to four hours of sleep each night, and I could see the impact on my physical and mental well-being. My mind was foggy, my body fatigued constantly, and I was cranky.

During a session with my therapist, I lolloped on the couch and told her “I need sleep. You need to help me. What do I do?” She put me on a strict sleep hygiene regimen for a month, and I was requested to report back regularly on my progress. Two months in, I can proudly say I’m well-rested on most days. Ultimately, I had to re-evaluate my entire routine and make some fundamental changes.

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Here are the sleep hygiene tips that worked for me:

Give up caffeine!

These Sleep Hygiene Tips Promise to Work WondersI stopped caffeinating post 4 p.m. Tough, but doable. My recommendation is to find something else caffeine-free you can drink instead. I turned to copious amounts of water which my skin thanked me for.

Incorporate regular exercise and find someone to hold you accountable

My therapist recommended regular exercise, and I started scheduling yoga classes either in the morning or evening. My instructor made sure I was held accountable, which helped immensely because it meant even if I didn’t want to show up, I had to or be bombarded by calls and messages. This helped establish a sense of routine, and we’re all well aware of the benefits of exercising, such as a reduction in stress levels and better sleep.

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Switch it off!

Sounds like one of the sleep hygiene tips told over and over, but it’s hard to give up electronics. From continually scrolling through social media to checking emails and replying to messages, being on the phone has become second nature for many. Ever searched for your phone while you’re on it? Yup, that was me. Three hours before bedtime, I had to get off all electronics which meant giving up Netflix as well. My phone went on aeroplane mode, and I gave my mother’s number to my close friends and family in case of an emergency.

It’s only when you give up a bad habit, you realize how addicted you are. I put my phone out of hand’s reach, but there were many times when I cheated and turned it on even for a few minutes. You might experience “phantom vibrations” where you think your phone is buzzing or there are notifications. I occasionally still experience this, but the frequency has reduced.

Finally, for desperate measures and to ease myself into the toughest of these sleep hygiene tips, I decided to leave my phone near where my dog slept, which meant he’d wake up and start barking for attention if I went anywhere near him. Lack of electronics meant I had very little to do except read, try my hand at meditation and eventually drift off to sleep.  I could also finally catch up on all those books I ambitiously bought, but never got around to reading.

It becomes easier

Over time, it became easier to detach myself from my phone, and I was naturally falling asleep (first out of boredom and later out of routine) between 10:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. This also meant I was waking up earlier and had more time in the morning to enjoy a cup of coffee, mentally prepare for the day, and cuddle with my dog. Much better than just rushing off to work. With sufficient sleep, I now find I’m more productive, in a better mood with more energy and efficient at managing my time. And dare I say, I’m actually quite proud of myself for finally nailing down my elusive sleep habits.

These Sleep Hygiene Tips Promise to Work Wonders

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Even with these simple sleep hygiene tips, it’s still going to take time, persistence, and you will fall off the wagon. Build a support team who can keep you on track, and don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself struggling. Give your body and mind time to adjust and ease into your sleep hygiene routine.


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