How to Switch to a Plant-based Diet - The Beautiful Lifestyle

How to Switch to a Plant-based Diet – Expert Advise

How to Switch to a Plant-based DietA record number of people, according to a recent survey, have signed up to ‘Veganuary’ in a bit to reduce their meat consumption and increase the plant-based products in their diet. With plant-based diet options becoming more accessible and more affordable, this food trend has seen an unprecedented rise in popularity in recent years.

Banin Shahine, Nutrition Manager at Fitness First Middle East, has shared with us the health benefits of a plant-based diet, ways you can counteract any potential negatives as well as dispelling the popular myths related to a vegan diet.

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Benefits of a Plant-based Diet

How to Switch to a Plant-based Diet
Banin Shahine – Nutrition Manager at Fitness First Middle East

According to Banin, several people turn to a vegan diet not only to protect animals and to help save the planet but also because they believe it is a healthier option. Veganism has recently been praised for its weight-loss benefits, with the average vegan weighing 2-4kg less than a meat eater. “This is predominantly due to the number of calories contained in animal protein, while plant-based protein tends to be way lower in calories than animal protein.

A plant-based diet, she adds, can also help to improve digestion with a high intake of vegetables, fruits, fiber, and prebiotics helping to comfort the colon. Animal products derived from dairy such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and chocolate, as well as eggs, can also cause intolerance reactions in sensitive people. Cutting these products out can help reduce symptoms from food intolerance and decrease the chances of developing the leaky gut syndrome.

According to the American Dietetic Association, reducing your animal product intake can also help lower the risk of developing chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

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Counteracting any potential negatives

“Switching to a plant-based diet and a vegan lifestyle overall can result in uncertainty for many people,” explains Banin noting that many people are unaware of the vitamins and minerals you may lose out on when switching to a vegan diet, and require information on how to ensure they are maintaining a healthy and balanced a diet as possible.

The most common negative impact of a plant-based diet is deficiencies in nutrients you would usually obtain from animal products. Some of these include:
  • Vitamin B12 – a vitamin required for brain and nervous system health
  • Omega 3 – a fish oil which plays an important role in concentration, memory, eye and vision health, and healthy joints, skin, and hair
  • Iron – without enough iron, your body can’t produce enough of a substance in red blood cells that enables them to carry oxygen. This can result in extreme fatigue, weakness, pale skin, headaches, shortness of breath, brittle nails and a poor appetite
  • Zinc – Zinc is a mineral that your body uses to fight off infections and produce cells. It is an important mineral for healing injuries. Zinc deficiency can result in hair loss, lack of alertness and a reduced sense of taste and smell
To help avoid any of these deficiencies, people switching to a plant-based diet should do the following:
  • Work with a nutritionist to learn more about which specific plant-based products should be consumed to avoid any deficiencies. If you are in the UAE and you need more information the nutritionists at Fitness First can help you out.
  • Increase your intake of foods that are fortified with iron, zinc and vegan Omega 3.
  • Add supplements to your daily intake. “Vegan and vegetarian supplements are available at Fitness First clubs or one of my top recommendations is Z&M Natural Nutrition supplements.”
  • Go for bi-yearly medical tests to check your vitals, vitamins, and minerals.

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Plant-based diet products that are high in protein

How to Switch to a Plant-based Diet

All plants have a good amount of protein, even cucumbers! However, the quality of protein in plants is different and dependent on the amino acid content as there are nine essential amino acids, which the body cannot produce. These nine amino acids can be found in the following vegan foods:

  • Quinoa
  • Buckwheat
  • Hemp seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Spirulina

Popular vegan athletes to keep you motivated

Many people believe that you must eat animal products in order to be able to train well and be an athlete, which is simply not true. Some of the world’s most successful athletes follow a plant-based diet, if not full time, at least part-time. Here are just a few of them:

  • Venus Williams
  • David Haye
  • Kendrick Yahcob Farris

Have you ever thought of following a plant-based diet? Or did you switch from being a meat eater to a vegan? Feel free to share your experience in the comments.


  1. As always, fantastic tips. I have a 80% percent plant based and 20% regular diet. Sometimes I go 100% raw. This diet allows me to stay on course with my weight. xx

  2. That’s great to hear… I’m also similar, 80% plant-based, and 20% regular. And you’re right about the weight part 😉

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