Makeup Tools: Ecofriendly Ways to Clean and Disinfect them

Eco Ways To Clean and Disinfect Your Makeup Tools

Eco Ways To Disinfect Your Makeup Tools Looking our best is quite important to most, if not all of us, and that includes makeup. We end up buying expensive makeup and makeup tools, facial cleansers and creams; the whole nine yards. But most of the time we forget that our (expensive) makeup tools need some cleaning and maintenance, you know, TLC. That’s right. And if you are wondering why you have spontaneous breakouts, then it’s most likely you are not cleaning or taking care of your makeup tools the right way.  

Throwing money to get the best makeup tools is not enough. After all, those tools will not clean/take care of themselves. Just think about how much makeup there is on your foundation sponge, or on your blush brush. Makeup, dead skin cells, oils, sweat…they are all on your brush and soaked in your sponge, and each time you use them, you apply them to your face again and again, and again… Eww! It’s time that came to a halt!

Eco-friendly Ways to Clean Your Makeup Tools

Your eyebrow brush? Yes, that one’s dirty as well. Your hair brush? Same thing! Take some time and take proper care of your makeup tools, if you want them to live a long and happy life. And since all of these things are in everyday contact with our faces, the nice folks from Professional Cleaners Finchley have decided to not only give us some much needed tips on how to clean our makeup tools, but also how to do it without using any dangerous chemicals. Everything you are going to need is safe and harmless. And very easy!

DON’T MISS: 5 Must-have Makeup Brushes

Makeup Brushes

Eco Ways To Disinfect Your Makeup Tools According to these folks, it is quite easy to clean makeup brushes, regardless how soft, hard, or big they are. To clean and disinfect them properly, you’ll need only some liquid antibacterial soap and virgin olive oil (or vinegar). Mix them on a plate, with the ratio of appx. 2:1 ½ (water to olive oil/vinegar), then with circular motions soak and move the brushes around. You might even notice some of the makeup and dirt falling into the plate right away. This will clean and disinfect at the same time. Then use lukewarm water, preferably running water, and rinse the brushes gently. You will notice the makeup washing away immediately. When you are done rinsing them, place your makeup brushes on a towel to dry overnight. And the next day you are good to go! This should be done at least 2-3 times a month, or more often. It all depends on the amount of foundation you use.

The Makeup Sponge

Your sponge will take pretty much the same time and ingredients to clean and disinfect. You can use baby shampoo, another kind of mild shampoo or a soap bar (with antibacterial properties, of course). Damp the sponge with warm water and use a drop of the shampoo, or gently scrub the sponge onto the soap. Squeeze the sponge until it looks clean then rinse under running warm water. And you’re done! Brand new looking and disinfected sponge, ready to use (after it dries, of course).

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Metal Tools

For metal tools, such as tweezers, nail files, and such, all you need is some rubbing alcohol and a cloth, or some tiny piece of fabric. You can use it to clean them after each use, or at least a couple of times a week. This will disinfect them ideally, preventing them from spreading germs, fungus and dead skin cells.

Hot Hair Tools

Eco Ways To Disinfect Your Makeup Tools And the most important of all – hair curling or straightening irons! We all have them, and we never think about cleaning them. Even when we see them getting dirty. To be able to efficiently and safely disinfect and clean your hair irons, you will need some water and some baking soda. Mix to form a paste, and then use a microfiber cloth, or cotton swabs to clean your iron. The paste, actually the baking soda, will clean and disinfect your iron perfectly. It will kill all of the germs and the dead skin cells that have gathered there and do not help your hair at all.

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And there you have it folks, some simple and easy eco ways to clean and disinfect your makeup tools. Why buy new ones when you can maintain the current ones by simply taking a few minutes occasionally to clean them. If you take good care of your makeup tools, they will bow to your every need; well except giving you the perfect cat-eye, that’s all on you!


As told by Demi Giles

Photos: Pixabay


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