DIY Hair Loss Treatments That Work Wonders - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

DIY Hair Loss Treatments That Work Wonders

DIY Hair Loss Treatments That Work WondersIt can be heartbreaking when you realize that you are losing your edges, or your hair just keeps on looking scrawnier by the day. Let’s face it, for most people (me included) noticing your hair thinning or leaving tiny bald patches, the first thing to do would be to probably cover with wigs or clip-ins until it gets better. That may help a little but it’s more important to figure out the root cause of the thinning and find hair loss remedies if the causes are within your control. Luckily, you can also stop hair thinning with DIY hair loss treatments.

SEE ALSO: 5 Hair Loss Myths Busted, Again!

DIY Hair Loss Treatments and Tips Within Your Reach

Use the right temperature when you are washing your hair

Picture this, your hair is a delicate fabric so what happens to it when you use really hot water to wash it? Right, it loses its luster and shape. See, hot water strips your scalp of its natural protective oils and damages your hair follicles.

Also, cold water? Nope, if you have greasy hair the grease won’t come off completely. It doesn’t really clean as well. opt for lukewarm water which is the best for washing your hair.

Fenugreek and yogurt hair mask

Ever since I stumbled upon these DIY hair loss treatments, my hair has loved it so far. Fenugreek is a great remedy when it comes to hair loss and hair thinning. It stimulates blood flow to the root of the hair while still providing nourishment. It’s also a superhero when it comes to coarse, dry, or frizzy hair. Yogurt, on the other hand, is loaded with proteins that strengthen your hair shaft and prevent breakage.

You’ll need: 5-6 tablespoons of yogurt (I use plain, but you can also use whole fat), 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seed powder, and 2 tablespoons of olive or Argan oil.

How to: Mix everything in a bowl and set aside for about 3 hours. The mixture should swell up and become slightly slimy (add a few drops of water if you feel it’s too slimy). Apply on damp hair and massage in. Cover with a shower cap for 30 minutes then shampoo it off. Remember to use a mild shampoo.

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Rice water

DIY Hair Loss Treatments That Work WondersIf you haven’t tried rice water yet then I don’t know what beauty blogs you are reading. The Yao ethnic women boast of their average hair length with minimal gray hair. Their secret to these lustrous strands? Rice water. It is one of those DIY hair loss treatments that are simply a miracle tonic for your hair. It contains install, a carbohydrate that repairs damaged hair, amino acids that strengthen your roots, and works really well when it comes to detangling.

You’ll need: To make this rice water you’ll need two things. Yes, rice and water.

How to: Put half a cup of rice (make sure it’s washed) and 3 cups of water in a bowl and let it sit overnight fermenting. Strain to obtain just the water. Note that fermented rice water is very potent. You’ll need to dilute it with water depending on your hair needs. More water for less dry hair and vice versa. Keep your hair covered for about 20 minutes. Rinse out with lukewarm water. Do this at least once a week.

RELATED: How PRP Hair Loss Treatment Works

Aloe Vera

Here is another one of those DIY hair loss treatments that are used by cultures around the world to keep their hair healthy and beautiful. Aloe vera has tons of vitamins and antioxidants, which nourish hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.

How-to: A mixture of aloe vera and olive oil can be used by all hair types as it deep conditions, increases the thickness and volume of your hair, and helps with hair regrowth.

Mix equal quantities of aloe vera gel and olive oil then massage on your scalp. Let it absorb for about an hour then rinse with warm water.

DON’T MISS: DIY Olive Oil Hair Treatments For Dry Hair

Egg and green tea mask

Eggs are packed with protein which works well when it comes to strengthening your hair shaft. Green tea is loaded with antioxidants that prevent hair loss. These types of DIY hair loss treatments that include eggs strengthen and soften the hair.

You’ll need: 1 egg, 50ml green tea, and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

How to: If you have dry hair use the egg yolk and if your hair is oily use the egg whites. Whisk the egg, tea, and oil. Massage it into your hair and scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse well with warm water.

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If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the above DIY hair loss treatments, then don’t risk it. Do a patch test before declaring a battle with hair loss.

About the Author

Abigail Mbithe
Abigail is a 20-something wild child who still believes in unicorns, fairy tales, and everything beautiful. When she’s not trying to invent a new hairstyle or fighting acne, and keeping her skin ageless, she’s either sipping on something or hanging out with her tribe.


  1. I was losing hair, and I learned that Vitamin D from the sun helps. It helped me, so I thought I’d pass it on.

  2. A ray of sunshine is good for almost everything, well, except sunburn ;). Happy to hear it helped you, thanks for stopping by

  3. Pingback: Summer-ready Hair - How To -

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