Brain Foods That Will Most Likely Boost Your Brain Power

Want to Boost Your Brain Power? You Should Probably Eat These Foods

Brain Foods That Will Most Likely Boost Your Brain PowerYou know how we are always drumming on about how you are what you eat when it comes to skincare, hair care, and fitness? Well, it’s all true and it also applies to brain power. Some years ago, back in our baby days, there used to be a myth (not sure if it’s a fact yet) that eating the head (brains and all) of a fish – tilapia to be specific – would make you a genius. So, this begs the question, what kind of brain foods can really boost your brain power, aside from fishy myths?

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Brain Foods for Thought

Considering our hectic lifestyles and the daily stressors we endure, the brain, just like the rest of the body, requires the right nutrients to keep it going. It’s a given that most of us have those days where we don’t feel on top of our game, regardless of the amount of caffeine we consume. This happens because, apart from just being bored,  your brain is drained of vital nutrients. But who can blame the brain? After all, it controls a large number of functions on a daily basis second-by-second, and therefore, like the body, needs the right brain foods to oil it up.

Brain Foods That Will Most Likely Boost Your Brain Power

In addition, you need to keep in mind that our brain and body age simultaneously, and that’s why we notice that as we grow older we tend to kind of forget easily (or maybe we just stop sweating the small stuff), and concentration becomes slower (or end up digressing quite a lot). So, if you make smart food choices, you’ll boost your brain power and as a result, conserve what’s remaining of your precious gray matter.

Foods that Boost Your Brain Power

While, you may have probably heard of common brain foods like pomegranates, blueberries, dark chocolate and nuts – there are many other foods that boost your brain power. The nice folks at India Gate have shared with us some super foods that boost your brain power.

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Brain Foods That Will Most Likely Boost Your Brain PowerA favorite amongst Middle Eastern people (Za’atar bread anyone?), this spice mixture is a blend of sesame seeds, sumac, oregano, and thyme. It is said to be extremely good for the brain as both oregano and thyme contain a compound called carvalo, which can boost your brain power.


Brain Foods That Will Most Likely Boost Your Brain PowerThis may surprise you but it is true (but this doesn’t mean you over-indulge in that bucket of nuggets). Commonly known for being high in protein, chicken is also a great dietary source of vitamin B6 and B12, as well as choline. All of these play an important role in brain health and neuroprotection.


Brain Foods That Will Most Likely Boost Your Brain PowerThis protein-rich superfood contains all the essential amino acids, especially lysine, which plays a key role in regulating stress and anxiety. It also contains antioxidants and a small amount of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Chia seeds

Brain Foods That Will Most Likely Boost Your Brain PowerChia seeds are rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, antioxidants, and calcium. And while carbohydrates, fiber, and calcium do not help or hinder memory, antioxidants and omega-3 certainly are great brain foods. Antioxidants are known to increase blood flow to the brain which improves memory, while Omega-3 fatty acids keep your brain free from plaque and help brain cells communicate with one another.

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Flax seeds

Brain Foods That Will Most Likely Boost Your Brain PowerLike chia seeds, flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids too. It is specifically high in a type of omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which has been strongly linked to brain health.

So, what else can boost your brain power apart from these brain foods? Although they might not come close to Bradley Cooper’s mysterious pill in Limitless, they are still worth a try; and on the brighter side, they don’t have any side effects that we know of.

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