Organized Beauty Space: Insider's Guide on How to Achieve This

An Insider’s Guide to Achieving a Clean & Organized Beauty Space

Achieving a Clean and Organized Beauty Space Inside Your HomeWe girls do love our makeup but we don’t exactly keep it in an apple-pie order most of the times. Admittedly, we can be accused in all fairness of being a little higgledy-piggledy with our beauty products. Guilty as charged, but in our defense, a girl has only so much time in a day to put on makeup and not nearly enough to put it away. You have to prioritize after all! And you can guess it yourself which one of the two is more fun! Change your perspective because science says there are mental benefits to organization. It reduces stress and improves your productivity. Now, channel your inner glamour diva and get your vanity fair in order. We’re about to divulge some of the tricks you can use to achieve a clean and organized beauty space!

Tips & Tricks for a Clean and Organized Beauty Space

Find Your Beauty Products a Home

Achieving a Clean and Organized Beauty Space Inside Your HomeWe are sure you wouldn’t want your beloved beauty products to be left in the open. So, you have to find them a place in the world. The first thing you do should be to brainstorm where to put all that stash. The good news is that even if you don’t have money to spare for a special beauty organizer, you can still crack it by repurposing one of your desk organizers. As a matter of fact, make that a rule! Use what you have to claim an organized beauty space.

For instance, use that empty wine rack for your bottles. Accept our apologies for just assuming that you’ve drunk all the wine from the rack but girls and their wine, right?! Be creative and use that cake stand to put your palettes and a jar for the lipsticks. Not sure what to do with your hot tools? Just hang them in your closet. We’re not going to be silly and presume that you will store your makeup solely in one place, so your choice of containers rests upon your stashing places. If it is in the bathroom, make use of that medicine cabinet, and if it is in your bedroom, the solution is obvious, organize your dressing table.

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Create Order in the Chaos 

Achieving a Clean and Organized Beauty Space Inside Your HomeCompartmentalization is the code word! Get your ducks in a row. Team your powder brush with its buddies and put them in one place. Make a rainbow of your nail polishes; group your hair products by brand and eyeshadows by color. But first, group them by their use. Face products at one place, hair products at another, body products at third. Then make smaller groups of each.

For example, divide the face products into three categories: eyes, skin, and lips. From then on you can make even smaller subgroups depending on the size, brand, color, etc. Another categorization may be of everyday use and special-occasion use. In all cases take the ones with a soon to expire date aside so you know what to use first. Take notice of the duplicates and group them together or just give away the twin. Finally, you can always place your favorites in the front for easier access. With compartmentalization, you will not only have easier access to that eyeliner but it will also aid your cleaning process. Keep reading.

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Keep it Clean

Achieving a Clean and Organized Beauty Space Inside Your HomeThat’s the seriously nasty part! You have to go a step further and, dust and clean each and every one of those beauty items and their container, which by the way sometimes need to be washed at that. The things we do for beauty!  However unappealing it is, remember that defaulting on that can have some serious health hazards. Dirt can accidentally blend with the makeup and cause you all kinds of irritations and inflammations. That’s a risk you don’t want to take. So, don’t neglect cleaning your beauty items!

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Turn your house into your own personal beauty haven that any beautician will envy and make yourself proud by keeping a clean and organized beauty space. Your salon, your rules. Just don’t forget to follow them.

Images: Pixabay

About the Author

Achieving a Clean and Organized Beauty Space Inside Your HomeZowie Ashton is a mother, writer, and owner of a small cleaning agency. She has a huge love for makeup and skincare. She really likes to read and often can be found with a book in her hand.

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