How to Achieve Healthy Flawless Skin without Makeup

How to Achieve a Flawless Look without Makeup

How to Achieve a Flawless Look without MakeupI have been chasing getting clear flawless skin pretty much since puberty hit. Having that healthy flawless look used to feel like a far-fetched myth that only existed in fairy tales. Having sensitive skin didn’t make it any easier. Most of the makeup I used always caused breakouts. After thorough research, I discovered that you do not have to splurge Benjies on expensive products, live in the spa or switch up your whole beauty routine to achieve healthy flawless skin without makeup. All I did was adopt a few healthy habits that most people with healthy glowing skin have.

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Achieving a healthy Flawless skin without Makeup

·  Get enough rest

I assure you guys, the magic of beauty sleep is unreal. You need to clock at least 7 hours of sleep. It is quite impossible to look youthful and gorgeous if you are constantly skipping your sleep hours. Sleep deprivation gives you what I like to call ‘racoon eyes’ a.k.a the famous Prada bags under your eyes. Sleep also helps relax your mind and body, suspending you in this stress-free zone. The more stressed you are, the more susceptible you become to breakouts and wrinkles. Catch your Zzzs, you deserve it.achieve healthy flawless skin

·  Keep your face clean

In order to to achieve healthy flawless skin without makeup, you’ll need to wash your face in the morning, evening and after working out. Use a gentle alcohol-free cleanser (alcohol causes dryness and flaking). After working out it is important to wash your face because sweat clogs and irritates our skin. By evening, small microparticles from air pollutants are present on our skin. These may harm and weaken our skin. Ensure you always wash your face before hitting your sheets. Keep your pillowcases always clean and the most important one, never sleep with makeup on. Always use lukewarm water, hot water causes dryness. Be very gentle when washing your face. Resist the urge to scrub your face when cleansing and use your fingertips.achieve healthy flawless skin

QUICK READ: DIY Flaxseed Facemask to Minimize Face Pores

· Moisturize every day

To achieve flawless skin without makeup, maintaining the water content in your skin is essential. Moisturizers slow down water loss through the superficial layers of the skin. Moisturizing keeps your skin from appearing uneven, dry, tight and flaky making you appear more youthful and glowing. Moisturize after washing your face to keep the skin’s natural moisture in. When the air is dry especially during winter, ramp up your moisturizer and when it turns humid, you can ease up. If you have sensitive skin, look for products with “ceramides,” one of the three types of lipids or fats in the skin. If you are prone to oily skin, look for moisturizers that are “noncomedogenic” (not oil-based) which will help your skin clear.achieve healthy flawless skin

· Sunscreen is your best friend

Sunlight is the cause of most signs of visible ageing such as skin thinning, discolouration, facial lines and wrinkles. It also contributes to the development of cancer and aggravates acne. Protect your skin by using sunscreen and reapply every 2 hours when you are in the sun. Avoid direct sunlight especially during the hours between 10 am and 4 pm. I usually rub whatever I have left on my chest and hands, the two areas I used to neglect. Ps, just because it is a cloudy day or cold day, it doesn’t mean you toss your SPF to the side, sun damage could also occur.achieve healthy flawless skin

FUN READ: Achieving Flawless Skin with FOREO

· Maintain healthy habits

If you want to achieve healthy flawless skin without makeup, you need to be willing to dedicate a few hours weekly to working out. A regular workout routine reverses skin’s signs of ageing making it appear more youthful and less saggy.

Cut out the junk and sugar. Your diet affects your skin health. Sugary foods reduce skin elasticity which causes sagging. Processed foods not only damage your waistline but also rapidly ages your face. Substitute your sugar cravings with ripe berries, or roasted almonds or cashews my favourite when craving a crunch. Add vegetables to your food and snacks which will leave you feeling fuller. Consume foods rich in antioxidants such as dark leafy greens and carrots. These will help reduce the free radicals in your system, minimizing skin damage.achieve healthy flawless skin

RELATED: 7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Strawberries

What healthy habits have you adopted to achieve flawless skin without makeup? Share in the comments below.

About the Author – Abigail Mbithe

Abigail Mbithe - Writer at The Beautiful LifestyleAbigail is a 20-something wild child who still believes in unicorns, fairy tales, and everything beautiful. When she’s not trying to invent a new hairstyle or fighting acne, and keeping her skin ageless, she’s either sipping on something or hanging out with her tribe.

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About the Author

Abigail Mbithe
Abigail is a 20-something wild child who still believes in unicorns, fairy tales, and everything beautiful. When she’s not trying to invent a new hairstyle or fighting acne, and keeping her skin ageless, she’s either sipping on something or hanging out with her tribe.


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