Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

5 Reasons Why You Should Have Apple Cider Vinegar in Your Beauty Cabinet

Natural Benefits of Apple Cider VinegarApple Cider Vinegar, commonly known as ACV, has been used for beauty and health purposes for centuries. Although there are many types of vinegar, the benefits of apple cider vinegar are incomparable, at least if you know what you need from it, and how to use it.

At one point in time, I used to be a big fan of ACV, but I guess I grew out of it and stopped taking it religiously. But just in case I ever need it, I always make it a point to keep a bottle of the organic type at the back of my kitchen cabinet. But just because I stopped taking the stuff doesn’t mean the benefits of apple cider vinegar don’t exist; because they do, and I’ve listed a few of them below.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Fights acne

Apple cider vinegar is a good remedy for acne. I actually got this tip from a friend some years back, and I must say it worked wonders back then. All you have to do is soak a cotton ball with ACV then dab on your face, or wherever the acne is lurking. Give it a good 15 minutes then rinse your face. You can do this three times a week before bed until the acne dries out. Here are more simple ways you can manage acne naturally.

Natural Deodorant

Another one of the many benefits of apple cider vinegar is its anti-bacterial properties. ACV can be an awesome deodorant, that is if you are looking for something more natural. By applying it under your arms, you will be fighting the odor-causing bacteria found there.

Fights dandruff

If your goal is to have shiny hair minus dandruff, then ACV is for you. Wash your hair as you normally do, after rinsing, pour apple cider vinegar on your mane then massage the scalp. Let it stand for 15 minutes then rinse. You can follow the routine every time you wash your hair. You can find more remedies for an itchy scalp here.

Weight loss

A number of studies have come to the conclusion that one of the benefits of apple cider vinegar is probable weight loss. Apparently, consuming ACV might help with your weight loss efforts. This is because it sort of increases your satiety levels, and as a result makes you eat less. But I still believe in good old diet and exercise; but if ACV can kick your efforts up a notch, then why not?

Fights bad breath

Back to its anti-bacterial properties, apple cider vinegar, which has acetic acid as its main ingredient as well as malic acid, fights bad breath by effectively reducing the number of bacteria in your mouth (yes there is a lot). To achieve this, you can dilute a small amount of the ACV with water then gurgle for a couple of seconds.

SEE ALSO: Home-made Hair Rinses That Work Wonders

There are a lot more benefits of apple cider vinegar, but for now, I will leave it there. And as usual, never self-medicate with anything (and ACV falls under anything). In as much as this drink sounds like a magic potion, if drank neat it might destroy your teeth enamel and esophagus. So, always do a patch test beforehand, and don’t ignore the diluting part.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.


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