Best Teas to Drink for Health - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

Real Talk: Try these Teas for a Healthier Body and Mind

Best Teas to Drink for Health - Expert TakeWho doesn’t like a cup of tea? You may be drinking one to get your little shot of caffeine or you simply drink it for many other reasons. While studies have shown the health benefits of drinking tea, the variety of options can be overwhelming. So, which are the best teas to drink for health?

Beth Czerwony, Dietitian at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human Nutrition with the Digestive Disease & Surgery Institute

Beth Czerwony, a dietitian at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human Nutrition with the Digestive Disease & Surgery Institute, stepped into The Beautiful Lifestyle Online to explain how different teas offer different benefits. She notes that study after study has shown the benefits of drinking tea, essentially verifying what your ancestors believed back in ancient times. “The humble tea plant – a shrub known as Camellia sinensis – has long supplied an answer to some ailments.”

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Best Teas to Drink for Health

Green tea – best overall tea for health

“Green tea is the champion when it comes to offering health benefits,” says Czerwony. “It’s the Swiss Army knife of teas, and it covers a lot of territories.”

A medical literature review offers a snapshot of those benefits, she adds, linking the consumption of green tea to:

  • Cancer prevention
  • Fighting heart disease
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Anti-inflammatory treatment
  • Weight loss
  • Lower cholesterol

According to Czerwony, the healing power of green tea is linked to catechin, an antioxidant compound found in tea leaves. It helps protect cells from damage caused by out-of-hand free radicals reacting with other molecules in the body.

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Ginger tea – best for gut health

Studies show that ginger naturally combats nausea, making it a go-to remedy for dealing with morning sickness during pregnancy, notes Czerwony. Ginger also offers proven digestive benefits by helping the body move food from the stomach to continue its digestive tract journey. Speeding up that process works to calm indigestion and ease stomach distress, she explains.

“Ginger relaxes your gut, which can make you a lot more comfortable if you’re having tummy trouble,” Czerwony says adding that alternatively, peppermint tea can also serve as an aid against indigestion. “Peppermint, however, is best for issues lower in your gut. It can actually aggravate higher-up issues such as acid reflux,” she advises.

Herbal tea – best for lung health

Herbal tea is one of the best teas to drink for health because it has anti-inflammatory powers which can help loosen airways tightened by conditions such as asthma, says Czerwony. She recommends herbal teas featuring turmeric, cinnamon, or ginger as a way to keep the air flowing. “As an added benefit, drinking a hot cup of herbal tea can also help clear congestion by loosening mucus.”

Best Teas to Drink for Health - Expert Take

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Peppermint tea – best for sickness

“Menthol packs quite the punch when it comes to fighting a cold – and peppermint tea is packed with menthol,” says Czerwony, “It really kicks up your immune system.” She says peppermint tea works well to relax sore throat muscles, relieve nasal congestion, and even reduce fever. “It’s also loaded with antibacterial and antiviral properties to give you a healthy boost.” She also suggests trying echinacea, hibiscus, or elderberry tea when someone does not feel well.

Chamomile tea – best at bedtime

The daisy-like chamomile plant contains apigenin, an antioxidant compound, and snooze inducer, explains Czerwony. She says apigenin attaches itself to receptors in the brain and works to reduce anxiety, building a peaceful calm that leads to drowsiness. Valerian root tea also is a good option, she says.

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What about black teas?

Black tea offers many of the same benefits as green tea, which makes sense when you consider they’re made from the same plant leaves, says Czerwony. So why are they different? “Leaves used to make black tea are allowed to age and oxidize, turning them brown or black. Green tea leaves are processed earlier when they’re still green. Hence, the name. Black tea generally has more caffeine than green tea— a key selection factor if you’re concerned about limiting your caffeine intake,” she says.

“There are so many teas to choose from,” concludes Czerwony. “Try different varieties and see what works best for you.”

That said, which of these best teas to drink for health is your favorite? Over here we enjoy green and black tea.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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