Coconut Water and its Awesome Benefits - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

Coconut Water and its Awesome Benefits

Awesome Benefits of Coconut WaterEvery coastal adventure is always filled with some form of coconut water – a natural liquid derived from baby coconuts. It is considered more of a vacation drink by those who want a drop or two of this miracle water, straight from Mother Nature’s bosom. What you might not know when you are sipping the drink is that it offers more benefits to your body, more than just quenching your thirst.

I like the drink, but only when it is coming straight from its natural glass. Unfortunately, that is not the case anymore in most areas. Once upon a time this healthy drink was mostly found in the coastal regions or whole food stores, which by the way you had to travel some distance to find. If I was lucky enough and a friend or a relative was travelling the 700+km from the coast, I always told them to pack a few.

Awesome Benefits of coconut waterNowadays, coconut water can be found just about anywhere. It’s even stocked in the little grocery store next to my tower. But I have no issues with where it is found. My issues are with how it is packed. Coconut water is meant to be consumed straight from the green husk, which makes it even more exotic and enjoyable. In the recent past, it’s being packed in cans, bottles and little boxes.

But hey, enough of my rumblings; here are just a few reasons why coconut water is nature’s perfect drink, and why you should consider drinking it on a regular basis.

Coconut water benefits

According to science, coconut water, also dubbed “miracle water”, contains more potassium than a banana. Now I’m not saying you ditch the mighty banana, what I’m suggesting is that you just add this drink to your nutrition. It also contains electrolytes which are naturally occurring, making it a great rehydration drink.

Weight Loss

Awesome Benefits of coconut waterCoconut water can also help you with your weight loss goals. It is not packed with calories and contains very low fat and cholesterol content. In fact, it has enzymes which boost your metabolism by aiding in digestion. This means you can fill up on this nature’s drink, which can help you in portion control, and in the long run achieve your health goals.

Indigestion Reliever

If you are always having indigestion issues, make that another great reason for drinking coconut water. This elixir is said to contain some levels of fiber, and whenever there is fiber in anything we consume, any form of indigestion we might have becomes history.


BAwesome Benefits of coconut waterecause of its minimal amounts of sodium and sugar, coconut water is a great energy drink. Mother Nature has incorporated calcium, chloride and potassium into the drink, making it just the right energy booster after exercise.

Skin saver

When it comes to your skin, coconut water also has a little something to keep it looking fresh, youthful and radiant. This tropical magic drink, according to some scientific studies, contains lauric acid and cytokinins. These help in minimizing skin aging by regulating cell growth as well as balancing PH levels in addition to keeping your skin hydrated. In order to benefit from these anti aging properties of coconut water, you can drink it, or apply it onto the skin; or just both.

So, drink up and watch your body transform for the better. For a change of taste, you can infuse the liquid into a healthy coconut infused smoothie recipe.



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