5 Amazing Health Benefits of Peppers - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Peppers

incredible health benefits of peppersWhen I mentioned earlier how much I love my food with a kick, I just didn’t know the amazing health benefits of peppers. There are people who love peppers, and then there are those who love them and then some.  I must admit that when my food is a bit bland, it’s always the spicy kick of some peppers that makes it eatable. Actually, did you know that humans started chomping on peppers more than 4000 years ago? And my view is that peppers have moved from greatness to greatness, not to mention my love of Indo-pak cuisine.

amazing-health-benefits-of-peppers-5Now, if you enjoy your food with a bit of a kick, then you should know that you are also enjoying some really great health benefits that come with peppers.  Some call it a spice, while others say it’s a vegetable. I on the other hand, don’t care what it is as long as I get to consume some on a daily basis. Yes, daily basis.

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I have compiled a few amazing health benefits of peppers to encourage you to include the spice/vegetable in your meals. These apply to all types of peppers regardless if they are sweet, black, spicy, white, green, yellow or red. Just eat some, will you?

Health Benefits of Peppers are Just Amazing
Peppers have anti-oxidant qualities

Peppers, particularly the red ones, are an excellent source of phytochemicals and carotenoids, including beta-carotene. This property in peppers helps in fighting free radicals within your body. In addition, it one of the health benefits of peppers that fills your body with anti-inflammatory properties as well as reducing your risk of breast cancer.

Enhance weight loss

incredible health benefits of peppersWho would have known, right? Honestly speaking I can’t really testify if this is one of the great health benefits of peppers, but I will agree with the studies. That spicy kick that comes with the spicy kind of peppers is known as capsaicin. And this so-called capsaicin has been proven to aid in weight loss efforts. Numerous studies have shown that when this capsaicin is ingested, it automatically boosts your metabolism. This boost suppresses your appetite (making sure you don’t over-eat). It also supposedly keeps fat cells from fully developing by kind of burning them. So if you do not mind a mouth on fire; keep on enjoying your peppered food and reap the benefits. Also, just to be realistic, don’t forget to incorporate exercise and portion control.

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Peppers improve the health of your skin

natural-antiaging-beauty-remedies-6This is one of my favorite health benefits of peppers. After all, here at Finding Beauty ME I’m all about skin beauty and health. Back to the benefit of peppers to your skin, several studies have indicated that persons suffering from vitiligo can actually reduce it’s spread by making their food a little bit spicy. This consumption of peppers can encourage the production of pigment by the skin. As for those who have no idea what vitiligo is, it is simply the discoloration of some parts of your skin, making them visibly lighter that your usual skin tone.

Cholesterol control

amazing-health-benefits-of-peppers-4Capsaicin, which I just mentioned above as the culprit which gives peppers their hotness, also aids in the control of cholesterol build-up. We are all aware that a high cholesterol level in your blood is not good, you know with the high risk of heart attacks and whatnot. So if you are really serious about putting that high cholesterol under control, you should start adding a bit of pepper to your meals. Just a little at a time.

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Peppers are filled with fiber

amazing-health-benefits-of-peppers-3We all know what fiber does to our digestive system, which is why it is very important to incorporate it in your diet. One study shows that one cup of green bell peppers has about two and half grams of fiber. In addition, it has only 30 calories! This one cup of bell peppers can add up to your daily fiber intake without effort. This is one of the health benefits of peppers that can improve your digestive system and make things flow smoothly (if you know what I mean).  It can also reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

So, there you have it. Just a tip of the many health benefits of peppers. If you know more, feel free to share below.


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